Monday, December 12, 2016

19 weeks

Ok. I suck at keeping up with this, but I'm determined to document at least SOME of my journey. Here's a quick snapshot of what's been going on the last 95 days:

- I started working with a coach. Holy. Snot. The improvements I've made are un-freaking-real. Coach John offered up three months of free off-season coaching about three months ago. Hubby sent him a quick email and told him he should pick me and he did. I've made gains in all three sports and lost almost 10 pounds since starting the tridot program. While my original goal was to finish Ironman in 16:59:59, RaceX shows me pulling off 14 hours or better. Race day will offer its own unique challenges, but that's my full "potential" given a great day with good conditions. Needless to say, I am really, really glad he took a chance on me and I am also kicking myself for not hiring a coach sooner. Whatever. Live and learn.

- My crew and I did Bike Around the Bay in October. It's a 170-mile 2-day ride around Galveston Bay. So I had my first 100-mile day and my first 17 mph ride in the same day. Boom, baby. I also flatted on the Kemah Bridge, which was scary as all get out. I was going almost 30 mph on a sweet downhill and POP! The SAG wagon was just ahead of me (about 30 yards) and they heard it. Good timing, if you ask me! That was my first SAG experience and boy was I thankful they were there!

- My training buddy had shoulder surgery and is out almost the entire duration of my training. This. Sucks. While dragging yourself out of bed at 4:50 to go hang out with your friends is hard, dragging yourself out of bed at 4:50 to go hang out with yourself is a whole lot harder. I'm sucking it up, though, and I'm gonna be fine. It just sucks.

- In the last month, I've had a double ear infection (what? am I 5?), sinusitis, gotten way off track with Thanksgiving, spent 3 days in Vegas, and came home to a horrendous stomach bug that had me down for 3 days. ENOUGH! I don't have time for this! So starting today, I'm really hoping that most of my obstacles are behind me and I can focus on the next 19 weeks.

By the numbers:
Week 1
Swimming - 2.4 miles
Biking - 34 miles (yuck...)
Running - 7 miles (yuck again...)

Here's to a better Week 2!

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