Monday, March 6, 2017

8 weeks

Holy moley. How are we down to 8 weeks? Where has the time gone?? This week was a good week. We had a lot of fun as a family and my training was great. Monday's swim was terrible and I was totally disgusted with the pool. Then Friday came and I nailed a 3200m swim and all was right with the world.

My kids are both crazy. Daniel is suddenly obsessed with having a 6-pack (see below...) and Lia thinks she's the fashionista of the world. I don't get these two, but I guess that's what this parenting road is all about!

Wednesday I PRd my half marathon by a whopping 3 seconds (that'd be a 2:21:58 for anyone who cares...). No crowd. No aid stations. About 200% humidity (started in the rain and then the sun came out - can you say S-A-U-N-A?).  Definitely no taper. AND I got to try out these new socks from Swiftwick, proud sponsor of the Best Tri Club Ever. So when I ran 13.1 miles that started in the rain, I expected blisters to say the least. Dude. My feet weren't even wrinkly. I'm a believer. Swiftwick FTW!

I ended the week with a 75-mile bike ride with Nicole. What a windy, brutal day it was, complete with rain, 8mph speeds on the Texas City Dike, and some chipseal action on 146. We were worried for a bit that we wouldn't be able to get around the road construction without getting on the highway, but it all worked out. More hay in the barn and one more ride closer to IMTX!

All in all, it was a good week. We're moving into the homestretch and things are about to get really, really crazy. I'm having to schedule every waking moment of my life to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. I've got backups to my backups for long training days. The countdown in on, to say the least. I started making my lists for my transition and special needs bags for race day and we collectively decided as a family we need a race day rehearsal for our spectators. We're heading up April 9 to drive the course and scout locations for them to give a hug, a booty slap, and a kiss on the cheek. It's getting really, really real, y'all.

Swim - 3.375
Bike - 109
Run - 25.6

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