Wednesday, January 25, 2017

13 weeks

Alright, kids. Another week down. 86 days to go. Another week of nailing my workouts and getting closer and closer to the big day. My inlaws came to visit this weekend, so I had to shuffle some things to make training work with life. I spent 3:40 on my trainer Friday so that I wouldn't miss out on family time Saturday morning. That may be the last time I do that - that was a LONG time to spend spinning to nowhere.
The many faces of a nearly 4-hour trainer ride...

Which led to my first experience with Graston. Holy. Cow. That was medieval and terrible and I hope I never have to do that again. I'm still bruised and I spent an hour with Dr. Redding today trying to work through the residual yuck after the abuse I put myself through last week. Lia and Daniel went with me to Dr. Chauvin. When she brought out the implements of death, Lia said, "Why do you need all those swords?" Yeah. Ouch. 
Lastly, I had a 5k TT on Sunday. Boom, y'all. I ran that dude in 27:11. I remember when 33:50 was a HUGE deal for me. I am so stoked to be able to run a sub-30 5k This is a big, big deal for me that I've been working toward since 2012. I set three goals in November of 2012 - run a sub-30 5k, run a half marathon, and fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I can happily say I have achieved all three of these goals (quite some time ago...).

I came home from my TT to this guy, happy kids, waffles, and coffee. #bestsherpaever

So. Mileage for the week (big push before a recover/assessment week):
Swim - 3.1
Bike - 102
Run - 19

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