Monday, January 9, 2017

15 weeks

Wow! What a week! Nailed all of my workouts (FINALLY), even if I did have to move them around quite a bit. Winter arrived in Houston this week... and it's gone.

We started out in the sandbox with no shirts on...

And finished off the week with 25-degree temps...

Daniel's Pinewood Derby was this weekend and guess who was in charge? Yup. #momlife

I had to move my long ride to Friday so that I could spend 8 hours at the church on Sunday emceeing the PWD. Sadly, my little man did NOT do well this year. After dominating his rank for the last two years, his little buds were out for blood and blood they had. Poor Daniel. His car had something wrong with one of the axles and he had a terrible showing. Talk about some alligator tears.

Anywho, we also got good news this week - we don't have to turn the expander anymore! We celebrated with froyo at Zoyo and a little bit of an early checkout at school.

My long run was pretty great. I ran into some friends who did IMTX last year. They offered to do my long runs with me as long as they can. Talk about feeling abundantly blessed! It was actually cold that day and I got to wear sleeves. Woohoo! Yay Tiff and Karissa!!!

Finn has found a new "favorite spot" to hang out while I spin. You guessed it - on the couch where he does NOT belong. I spun for almost 3 hours on Friday and finally got around to watching Iron Man. Like the Marvel version with Robert Downy Jr. I liked it. My movie list is growing and I have 15 weeks left to watch a TON of movies while my legs spin, spin, spin to nowhere.

I ended the week with 2000 yards in the pool. My kids joined me for the last few laps and we had a great time. The day is drawing near! 102 days, baby!

By the numbers:
Swim - 2.56
Bike - 85
Run - 17.45

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