Tuesday, January 31, 2017

12 weeks!


It was assessment week. I nailed my 5K (that was technically last week, but whatever, dude), did alright on my swim (a daggone 4-second improvement), and bombed my bike 110%. Seriously. I went down to the dike to ride and there was a 15mph+ crosswind that never helped me. I entered my assessment, saw what it did to my training zones, and promptly deleted that mess. I'll try again in 3 weeks.

Looking back at the week, assessment week was good for the family. I started Monday morning with a swim...

. . . and then promptly played hookie with Daniel. He had an appointment to get his braces on, so we stayed home from school (which really equates to we had breakfast out, went to the park, and checked Lia out early to go to the zoo). We really needed this day and enjoyed pretty much every minute of it.

I spent a couple of days working on the bathroom and FINALLY got my shiplap up. I'm super pleased with how it turned out and my awesome daddy helped me get those top pieces up. All that's left is to white wash it and finish the baseboards and we are D-O-N-E with the bathroom reno that has taken 8 months. Yikes.

Lia got to bring Muffin the Moose home for the weekend. He's the class pet who comes home with If You Feed a Moose a Muffin, muffin mix, and all kinds of fun stuff. We spent the weekend doing all kinds of fun stuff with Muffin, but our favorite parts of the weekend were Amelia's art party where Lia got to paint a canvas and mosaic it with mardi gras beads. Super cute!

Our other favorite part of the weekend was going to see Mary Poppins at Clear Falls. It was their senior musical and those kids did an amazing job. My kids had never been to the theater and they REALLY enjoyed it, even if it was a little late (we didn't get home until after 10!).

So there ya have it. 12 weeks to go. Life is good. Training is hard. But the days are ticking by, my fitness is improving each day, and my little family is hanging in.

Mileage this week:
Swim - 2 miles
Bike - 56
Run - 7 miles (yay assessment week!)

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