Monday, February 27, 2017

10 weeks

Still catching up from that stupid week of sickness!!

So I got my new Tri*Fe hoodie (which is amazing...)...

And spun for 9 HOURS this week. What the what. That's what happens when the weather looks like this and you got stuff to do!

I spend 5 hours on my trainer Friday so that I could go enjoy camping with my family and with Pack 678 at Brazos Bend State Park. We had the most amazing weekend of snipe hunting, fishing, campfires, cooking outdoors, tent sleeping, and much, much more.

We had the opportunity to retire 8 American flags on Saturday night. This was one of the most memorable and honorable experiences I've ever had the good fortune to participate in. I'd never had the chance to attend a ceremony, much less conduct one. I was nervous and intimidated and scared I would screw it up. But wow. The photo below is of our adult leaders who placed flag in the flames after our Scouts lowered the stars and stripes. Far and away, the most respectful display of patriotism I have EVER seen - from little boys, no less. I didn't get any other pics - I was busy holding it together and reading I Am Your Flag. I'm the one on the right with the head lamp and tears gushing down my face.

 Left to right: Kevin Brahman, Jon Buttrum, Greg Pierce, Doug Carey, Selena Bradley, and me.

Swim - 1.5
Bike - 153 (!!!!!!!)
Run - 24

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