Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Waterbabies - Take 1

Despite most people's opinion that I'm clinically insane for enrolling my seven-week old son in waterbabies, last night was a complete and total success. Just about everyone who knows us knows that we're water people. Surfing, diving, swimming, beaches - you name it. Sometimes I even shower twice a day, just to be in the water. I want Daniel to love water just as much as we do so when Rachel called me about this class, we went for it.

It's 8 weeks in 30-minute segments on Tuesday nights. What could it hurt? The director said that we could just pay for one lesson to see how it went before we paid our full enrollment fee.

Daniel obviously can't do many of the activities yet, but who cares? He loved being in the water. Maybe by the end of the class, he'll be able to do some of the actvities, although I'm not holding my breath on the jumping-off-the-wall thing. As long as he's happy and it's not hurting him, we're there. Not to mention the fact that he slept for 7 hours last night - woot!