Friday, January 28, 2011

Sigh of relief

I haven't blogged in ages, it seems. Doug and I went for our 20 week ultrasound 12 very long weeks ago. We learned two things that were a little unsettling. 1. I had marginal placenta previa (a very common condition that usually doesn't pose a threat to the mom or the baby, but could lead to a c-section and possible death for both - although the latter is extremely uncommon). 2. Lia had/has an echogenic focus (EIF) in her left ventricle (a soft marker that could possibly indicate a chromosomal anomaly - read Downs). While the odds of either worst-case scenario happening were astronomical, it still stressed me out.

I try very hard to keep my blog positive (with the exception of a few venting themed pieces). With these two things weighing on my mind, I guess I've had writer's block.

Today, we went for another ultrasound to check the previa. Praise be to God, it moved clear to the other side of my uterus. No more concerns - no more restrictions. While we were there, I asked the ultrasound tech about the EIF and got another medical professional's opinion on the matter. She was of the opinion that physicians shouldn't even mention the condition. She explained that it's supposed to be there and that some ultrasounds show the EIF as a brighter white. Essentially, it could have just been the way the EIF reflected in that particular view.

I've been stressed out about this for 12 full weeks and nobody bothered to explain that to me? I guess the thing that really irks me about it is that I didn't even realize how stressed I've been until Doug and I breathed a collective sigh of relief at this news. I wasn't even aware of how strongly I'd been affected by this teeny bit of (seemingly) insignificant information until the information was no longer relevant.

Point being, I'm back. I can get on with my life. I can pick Daniel up again. I can breath a little easier. I can stop worrying about having to plan for and pay for a scheduled c-section. I can blog again without letting my stress and my anxiety about these two details spill over into my writing. So. There ya have it.

Happy Thanksgiving, merry Christmas happy 2011, it's a girl - life is good.