Sunday, August 30, 2009

Work Widows Wednesday

Some good friends of ours live just down the road, have a son who's just about Daniel's age, and happen to keep a schedule similar to ours. We have what we call Work Widows Wednesdays. She's constantly widowed in the evenings - I'm only made to suffer two nights a week. Point being, we get together on Wednesdays and have dinner as a "family." I've decided that my regular blogs will take place after dinner on Wednesdays. Our little clan has it hard enough trying to find time to spend as a complete family. I don't think I should add another distraction (blogging) to making dinner, cleaning the kitchen after dinner, studying for an exam, mowing the grass, bathing the baby, putting the baby to bed, brushing the dogs (yes, I'm serious) . . . the list is already obviously long enough - you get the point. For those of you who are following, expect to hear from me then. :o)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome wagon

So I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while now. I used to blog anonymously, but that was before blogging was . . . well, cool, I guess. I haven’t quite decided what format it will take – if any – or what exactly I’m going to blog about. What our family has planned for the weekend? How I feel about my baby growing up? My daily struggles, be they mental, physical, or spiritual? My thoughts on the hottest political debate? However it plays out, you’re more than welcome to follow along and contribute as you see fit. I only ask that you respect my views and the views of others who comment on my views. Sheesh. That was a lot of viewing! Please disagree with me; tell me what you think and why you think I’m wrong (or right). Just do so in a manner that maintains at least the illusion of respect.

Thanks for reading!