Friday, June 18, 2010

Finger paints and friends

I was just complaining to a friend today that my husband has hijacked all of the computer-esque devices in our home to "play" with Linux. He's driving me crazy (and severely interrupting my blog life), but that's ok. Why, you ask? Because of days like today.

We had six of our very best friends over today (in alphabetical order) - Abby, Audrey, Caleb, Little, Little B, and Will - and we finger painted picture frames for Father's Day. It. Was. Fun.

***Please note that the above mentioned friends included their mommies, their little sisters, their big brothers, and their little brothers as well. Also, two of the names have been changed to reflect what their mommies call them in their own blogs. Thank you. Please read on.***

It was pure and utter chaos, but the kids had a blast, the moms got to catch up, and the dads all get something handmade from their little ones for Father's Day. How do you lose on a day like today?

PhotoStory Friday

Sunday, June 6, 2010

T Rex

Long ago, in an office building far, far away, I wasn't "just a mom." I had deadlines, budgets, PTO days, and an office with a window and a door. When I was pretty pregnant with Daniel, my froworkers (friends + coworkers = froworkers) threw me a baby shower. It was really, really nice. I got all sorts of amazing stuff. Handmade blankets, a gift card to the spa, a million other really nice things, and a ginormous t rex (featured in Disney's Toy Story). Rex's job was to watch over the crib as I believed he was entirely too large to go in the crib with my child. When Daniel was born, Rex was probably 3 times larger than my teeny baby.

A week ago, we converted Daniel's crib into a toddler bed:

Since then, Daniel, for some odd reason, has decided that Rex needs to go to bed with him. Rex needs to read stories with him. Rex needs to work on the a/c with him:

This morning, at about 4:00, Rex fell out of the bed. Daniel very carefully lowered himself out of bed, hoisted Rex back into bed, cuddled up with him, and went back to sleep. I'm not sure what prompted this new obsession, but it sure is funny. I'm just waiting for the day that he decides Rex needs to go in the car with us. We'll have to purchase a second car seat!