Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In the middle of the night

There are many things that take place in the middle of the night. Most people snore (or drool). A few are obsessed with QVC and HSN. I hear there are those who dread the night - who battle demons while the rest of us. . . well. . . rest. Me? I experience some of the sweetest, most intimate moments I will ever have.

When Daniel was a baby, we were alone together *all* the time. Doug worked 6-4 (plus an hour commute each way), went to school at night, and did homework on the weekends. Even when he was home, I still had hours upon hours to spend with Daniel. Now that Lia has arrived, the time she and I get to spend alone together is limited and precious. I have to make the most of it, regardless of how tired I am, how late it is, or how badly I want to crawl back into bed. During the day, Daniel is vying for my attention, the phone is ringing, the dogs barking. . . there just aren't many moments of peace.

Except for those moments that take place sometime between 2 and 4 in the morning. I know it's crazy, but I really look forward to seeing Lia in the middle of the night. We can just snuggle up next to one another and exist. No noise. No distractions. Just me and Lia. Mother's Day Out is over for the summer and now that Lia's sleeping for longer and longer stretches, I know I'll get those moments less and less often. Not that I mind the extra sleep, mind you. I just envy the time I had with Daniel and I long to find that time somewhere with Lia. If 2-4 a.m. is what I get, it's what I'll take. And I'll do so gladly.