Monday, December 26, 2016

17 weeks

This week was pretty darn good. I missed one run, but I nailed everything else. The kids are out of school for Christmas so things were pretty interesting around here. We took an overnight trip to Seguin/San Marcos to see my sweet niece play college basketball at my first university (Texas Lutheran University - home of the Bulldogs!). I feel like I *literally* turned myself inside out this week to get everything in and still be fully present for Christmas. If one missed run is what it took, I'm ok with that.

Sporting my new Boco trucker from my secret Santa, Susan! Kids fully engrossed in their movie...

Me and my babies at my first dorm room - Clifton 101. So much mischief took place here!

Christmas Eve-Eve brought me an hour swim all by my lonesome and a 10k with Nicole and Melissa. I met my little family at the Red Oak for pancakes afterwards and then spent the rest of the days with the inlaws. Pretty great day, all in all...

Christmas Eve brought me a 50+ mile trainer ride and a 20-minute run with my dog. Afterwards, we spent the day together, tracking Santa, attending Christmas Eve service at church (and subsequently crying quite a lot - Jesus is pretty amazing), and wrapping gifts into the wee hours of the night. Hubby and I began this tradition our first year in our first home. We don't wrap anything until Christmas Eve. We open up a bottle of wine, eat Santa's cookies, and wrap until we're finished. We love to sit and talk about high points from the year, low points, what we could have done differently, and dream about the future. 2017 has big, big, big plans for us and we really needed this time to reconnect as a couple and discuss our game plan.
Tracking Santa on Norad. One of my favorite things to do!

Wine, empty tree, Amazon warehouse explosion, and finished tree - my favorite night of the year.

Christmas morning brought much needed rest and time with us four, no more. We loved the quiet and the excitement and everything in between. The kids were super stoked about robots, Beanie Boos, and a new bike. Crazy Texas brought us 80 degree weather, so we spent some time in the pool with our friends. It really is the most wonderful time of the year!

And that was Christmas with the Careys. 

Mileage for the week:
Swim: 2.25 miles
Bike: 81 miles
Run: 13

Sunday, December 18, 2016

18 weeks

So this week was good. Super, super good. I hit ALL my workouts (except for one quick strength training session I plan on logging as soon as I finish writing this post). I started the week with a deep tissue massage and ended yesterday with an awesome brick and a nap, courtesy of my amazing husband. Because we're right in the middle of Advent, it's been challenging to get in long workouts when I'd rather be sitting around the coffee table with my babies, drinking hot chocolate and singing Christmas carols. Instead, I bought them a new movie yesterday (Kung Fu Panda 2) and sat on my trainer in Z4 losing my dang mind. Daniel was supposed to be practicing his Christmas recital songs on the piano, but instead was banging out the rhythm to Jingle Bells on the same note over... and over... and over... And then the two of them were fighting over who needed to hit the pause button on the new movie I just bought them when I asked Daniel to help a mother out by refilling my water and then I really lost my dang mind. But whatever, man. I got in my 130-minute spin and 20-minute run. Which is another story....

A front was blowing in and they didn't want to come with me while I ran. So... I left them at home while I literally ran up and down the street for 20 minutes. I ran by my house every 2 minutes to check on them and everything *seemed* fine. When I got home, Lia was sitting in the floor crying and Daniel was playing the piano as loudly as he could while the credits to Kung Fu Panda 2 played in the background. I hope to high Heaven that when this is all over, they don't remember any of the gnashing of teeth or lost tempers...

So mileage for the week:
Swimming: 2.4 miles
Biking: 56 miles
Running: 17.25

Monday, December 12, 2016

19 weeks

Ok. I suck at keeping up with this, but I'm determined to document at least SOME of my journey. Here's a quick snapshot of what's been going on the last 95 days:

- I started working with a coach. Holy. Snot. The improvements I've made are un-freaking-real. Coach John offered up three months of free off-season coaching about three months ago. Hubby sent him a quick email and told him he should pick me and he did. I've made gains in all three sports and lost almost 10 pounds since starting the tridot program. While my original goal was to finish Ironman in 16:59:59, RaceX shows me pulling off 14 hours or better. Race day will offer its own unique challenges, but that's my full "potential" given a great day with good conditions. Needless to say, I am really, really glad he took a chance on me and I am also kicking myself for not hiring a coach sooner. Whatever. Live and learn.

- My crew and I did Bike Around the Bay in October. It's a 170-mile 2-day ride around Galveston Bay. So I had my first 100-mile day and my first 17 mph ride in the same day. Boom, baby. I also flatted on the Kemah Bridge, which was scary as all get out. I was going almost 30 mph on a sweet downhill and POP! The SAG wagon was just ahead of me (about 30 yards) and they heard it. Good timing, if you ask me! That was my first SAG experience and boy was I thankful they were there!

- My training buddy had shoulder surgery and is out almost the entire duration of my training. This. Sucks. While dragging yourself out of bed at 4:50 to go hang out with your friends is hard, dragging yourself out of bed at 4:50 to go hang out with yourself is a whole lot harder. I'm sucking it up, though, and I'm gonna be fine. It just sucks.

- In the last month, I've had a double ear infection (what? am I 5?), sinusitis, gotten way off track with Thanksgiving, spent 3 days in Vegas, and came home to a horrendous stomach bug that had me down for 3 days. ENOUGH! I don't have time for this! So starting today, I'm really hoping that most of my obstacles are behind me and I can focus on the next 19 weeks.

By the numbers:
Week 1
Swimming - 2.4 miles
Biking - 34 miles (yuck...)
Running - 7 miles (yuck again...)

Here's to a better Week 2!