Wednesday, October 13, 2010

On pregnancy

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was pretty ecstatic. Let's face it - I'm still pretty ecstatic. I didn't tell too many people at first as I have known far too many people who have had trouble early on. The last thing I wanted was to have to send out a new and unimproved message stating that something horrible had happened and it was all a false alarm. For both of my pregnancies, we decided that prior to an OB visit, we would tell immediate family and best friends. No cousins, no aunts, and certainly no friends of less than a decade. It's worked wonderfully thus far.

There are a few standard questions people ask you when you tell them you're pregnant - When are you due? When did you find out? How do you feel? Do you have a feeling about the gender? The first two don't really lead to much of a discussion. The last question is just sort of a "thing" people say. That third question? That's what bugs me. I'm not sure what people want to hear, but evidently, most of them want you to be miserable. While a few of my friends have smiled gleefully and nodded enthusiastically when I say, "I feel great!" some of them have less-than-desirable reactions. That list includes (but is not limited to), "Oh you've got plenty of time to feel like crap." "Ugh. I hate pregnant women like you." "You're the pregnant girl people love to hate." "Do you think maybe you have some sort of hormonal imbalance? It's not normal to feel so good during pregnancy."

What? Really? Do people really ask you how you're feeling because they want to hear your latest I-ran-for-the-bathroom-but-didn't-make-it-in-time-and-puked-in-my-hand-at-the-bank story? Because honestly? That's horrible. I know misery loves company, but unless you're in your first trimester and you just had that experience yesterday, NEWSFLASH - You're not miserable anymore! Don't wish that upon me!

I'm not sure what I'm getting at here, but I really do wish people could just be happy for me. I wish more people just said, "That's great! It's like God made you to make babies!" So far, I believe three people have said that to me. It's wonderful that you're happy I'm making a kid and that you care about my due date and my baby's gender, but don't be so crass when I tell you I feel good. Because that's just petty.

Whew. There. I got it off my chest.


  1. I'm very glad you don't feel like crap (jealous, but who cares since I haven't been pregnant for the past almost 3 years), and definitely happy for you and I hope you don't feel gross ever. So there you go!

  2. For the record - you were one of the three. :o)

  3. You know I am more than happy for you! I admit I get jealous when people tell me they have had a great first trimester, but I would NEVER wish my first trimesters on anyone and are sincerely happy when people tell me they've had great ones.

  4. Can't quite remember what my reaction was when you told me, but for the record I am glad you were/are/continue to feel well. Also glad to be sharing this little journey of ours together. Here's to 2 more trimesters of feeling well. :)

  5. I know exactly what you mean. I almost had a guilt complex over how great I felt during both of my pregnancies. I was also pregnant at the same time as my sister in law who was a sick as dog the entire time. Here's to another healthy, happy pregnancy for you my friend. :) Oh, and congratulations on the new addition.

  6. I hated the, "How are you feeling?" questions! I always answered, "I can't complain." I'm not even sure what I meant by it, but it usually shut people up without a story! ; )

    I am SO happy for you!
