Friday, September 19, 2014

SBMAT 2015

A few months ago, Swim Bike Mom sent out an all-call to apply for the 2015 ambassador team. When I first saw her post, I got all crazy jazzed and excited and thought, "YES! I'm totally applying for this!" Then my brain started working again and I realized that I would likely be one of about 252  applicants. Applicants who had been tri-ing for more than 5 minutes (or 4 months, as the case may be). Applicants who, you know, were actually *good* at triathlon. So I thought about it for 2 more minutes and I shelved the idea.

Fast forward to the day the applications were due. We were home. My kids were happily occupied with Legos and a movie. I saw something come across my feed about the deadline and I started furiously writing (er, typing... whatevs). I don't know what possessed me to apply, but it came from left field. I went with it. I typed and deleted and typed and deleted for a solid hour. When I finished, I read some of it to my husband. I told him, "I'm sure I won't get picked, but I hope I at least make her laugh." Well. Apparently, I did. 

The phone rang Wednesday morning with a number from Georgia. "I don't know anybody who lives in Georgia," I said to my friend. We were sitting at Einstein Brothers, enjoying all the pumpkin. My brain kicked into overdrive, and I realized that I DO know a few work folks in Georgia, so I politely answered the phone, "This is Sheri." What happened next floored me. For real. I heard this, "Hi Sheri! It's Meredith Atwood from Swim Bike Mom. Is this a good time?" I swear I sat there for 10 minutes with my jaw sitting in my lap and tears streaming down my face, but my friend has assured me it couldn't have been longer than 9 minutes. After I stammered a little and regained my composure, I said something. Obviously it was English, because I quickly accepted Meredith's invitation to be a part of the team. 

I have no idea what part of my application stood out to her, but I am SO beyond grateful that I plopped down that Saturday and offered up my thoughts on triathlon and how it's continuing to change my life. I am SO excited about this opportunity and what the 2015 racing season holds for me. I cannot wait to get started and give back to this sport that has so willingly given to me. So YAY! Just keep moving forward and stay tuned for many updates to come!

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