Monday, August 22, 2016

Swim Bike Fuel

So these photos were sort of taken by accident and I have REALLY struggled with what to say about them. My mom snapped a "burst" on my iPhone to get a good shot of me jumping in with the kids. After she took the second photo, somebody mentioned it looked like one we took on the first day of summer. After a little digging, I found them both and could not believe my eyes.

The first photo was taken one month after IM70.3 Galveston. I was "fit" and well trained. I had admitted to myself that I needed help with my race day nutrition and reached out to Meredith Atwood for coaching help and guidance. You see, Galveston made my third half iron where I had nailed my training and nailed nearly every workout and somehow managed to fall apart on the run. After another month of living life and struggling with this knowledge, I finally admitted to myself that I also needed help with my daily nutrition. If I thought for one minute that I could step up to the Big Dance, to IMTX, and follow my same nutrition "plan," I knew I'd be inviting disaster. I'd set myself up to fail and my entire year/race/recovery would be a struggle.

That's when Mere contacted me and suggested that I join the July SBF group (along with Meredith Vieceli and her incredible nutrition program). I'd been on the fence about signing up since the first group launched. I knew it was something I wanted and needed, but I just hadn't worked up the courage to try. With a little encouragement, I bit the bullet and registered. I was cautiously optimistic. I knew I could keep up with the lessons, but I was apprehensive about being able to "stick with it." 

Swim Bike Fuel is structured in such a way that you make small, manageable changes one day at a time. Taking a hard look at what you're doing and being challenged to change just one small thing a day, the Merediths walk you through every topic of nutrition that a woman needs to make well-informed choice about what goes in her body. One itty bitty step at a time, you get to unlock all of the things your body has been trying to tell you for years. One digestible lesson at a time, you get to understand the way our bodies are meant to process fuel and how to best fuel yourself, whether you're sitting at your desk or training for Ironman. 

Over the last 7 weeks, I've been able to focus on just a few of the lessons I gleaned from SBF. I haven't reached a place where I can implement them all, or even most of them, but there are several key lessons I've latched on to and focused on with every choice I make about how to treat my body - both nutritionally and mentally. In addition to physical changes (nearly 7 pounds now and over 15 inches), I've noticed that my head is clearer than it's been in years. And just this week, I stepped on the scale and saw some real success. You know what I didn't do? I didn't "celebrate" with a Sonic milkshake or a bottle of wine. I made myself a spinach salad loaded with veggies and proteins and I nailed my swim the following morning. 

The Merediths have changed my life. For those of you who wonder about this "magic bullet," there's no magic to it. It's common sense stuff that you probably already know and just need to be reminded about. I can't say enough positive things about the Merediths, their program, and the way I feel - not just the way I FEEL, but the way I feel about my body, my choices, and my potential. If you're still reading, check this out and let the results speak for themselves. I have a long way to go, but if I can achieve success like this in 7 weeks, I cannot WAIT to see what the future holds. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU Swim Bike Fuel!

I meant to mention when I was spilling my guts the changes I have seen in my family over the last two months. My kids care about what goes in their mouths. Daniel has started experimenting with his own granola recipes and we have a really good one figured out that uses banana and dates as sweeteners. He chooses to forgo sweets knowing what it's doing to his body. They both ask to go for a walk/bike ride after dinner with the dogs because they know it's not good for your body to eat a hearty meal and then go to bed. My husband has stopped drinking sodas - even diet sodas - because he sees the benefits of being hydrated and not filling your body with stuff it doesn't want or need. The scale. Y'all. The scale. I didn't sign up for this to see changes on the scale, but GOOD LORD IN HEAVEN. I haven't seen a 14anything on the scale since my days as a junior high athlete who played 5 sports year round. I had NO idea what to expect from this program. All I really wanted was to fix my fueling for race day. I had no idea what changes I would see in my life. Again. To the Merediths - God bless you. You are incredible women who are so generous and kind to share your knowledge and experiences with those who are looking to turn the train around. I love you. The end.

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