Tuesday, January 3, 2017

16 weeks

I am beginning to wonder if a week will come where SOMETHING doesn't happen to make me feel like I'm having to turn myself inside out to make training happen. This week, Daniel had a stomach bug. I had plans to spend Wednesday at the gym, but Daniel was up all night. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say that I had to buy him new underwear at Target yesterday. I also missed my 5K TT because my legs cramped up on me and refused to move like I needed them to.

We made it out to Moody Gardens on Thursday for the Festival of Lights and my kids' first time to ice skate. We went with Mel and her family, who are all about all things ice. Both Jason and Mel played hockey in college, so they were the perfect friends to help us get our skates underneath us (I say "we," but I really mean "them" because mama is not about the risk her Irondreams for a broken wrist or a busted tail bone 110 days out from race day!).

But WHATEVER, man. I jumped on my (brand new!) trainer at 3:30 Friday afternoon for my long ride and managed to get everything else in.

I also learned that trainer rides are more fun with Snapchat...

Saturday was NYE and we spent the day out at 4S Farms, which was an epic way to ring in 2017. Gumbo, skeet, fireworks, dogs, horses - country living at its finest!

We spent New Year's Day watching Rogue One with our besties and eating the obligatory ham, blackeyed peas, and cabbage with my folks. I bought us some sparkling grape juice to toast 2017 and declared the coming year the year of the Ironman, the year of Buddy's fixed back, the year of Gram's fixed knees, the year that Daddy fixes his job, the year of orthodontics, and the year that Lia continues to grow into the amazing young woman she's already becoming. 

So there ya have it. Week 16. 

Swim - 1.87 miles
Bike - 56 miles
Run - 6.7 (YIKES!)

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