Tuesday, April 4, 2017

3 weeks!

Holy moley. We are less than three weeks away. 17 days, 16 hours, 36 minutes until showtime. I can hardly believe it. I've fallen way behind on my blogging and I have plans to at least go write about Race Rehearsal #1, but that day is not today.

This week was a weird one. It wasn't recovery and it wasn't peak. I had my longest run (15 miles in the sweltering heat) and a 4-hour bike ride. I believe I also swam 1:30. My longest swim and bike are next week. so it's kind of a stair step, staggery thing.

We had a lot of good family time this week with some friends we haven't seen in a while and a skating party to celebrate Miss Lia's 6th birthday.

 Climbing trees and having so much fun with friends...
Roller queen!

Saturday was the windiest, ridiculous ride ever. I got Bruce dudded up in his race wheels and I think he looks super aggressive and race ready!

After a 4-hour ride, I stopped to take a picture with the kite surfers on my 2-mile run. You know it's stupid windy when people are kite surfing in the same crap you're riding in!

Lastly, we had a pre-IM dinner with all of the folks we're racing with. Everyone in this photo has prayed with me and for me for health, safety, healing, and calm nerves. I cannot imagine doing this thing without these people. They are truly the best group of friends to walk through this with. 

Ready or not, we're coming for you, Ironman.

Swimming - 3.4
Biking- 88 (what???)
Running - 24.9

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